Yesterday a reader asked for How to get back his details when he was registered on Demonoid before it went down. As most of you might know Demonoid tracker was down for over a span of 2 years and just recently came back online. Over these long 2 years, many of the users have forgotten their passwords and username for their user accounts on Demonoid. So let’s take a look at how we can recover those:
Author: Ritesh Sanap
How to Hide Desktop Icons in Mac
We sometimes take screenshots or videos of Desktop and at that time the Desktop is cluttered with Applications icons, files and folders and other things. Which does not look good on video or screenshot or some even need to hide those for Presentations using a projector, but like windows there is no option of hiding Desktop icons in Mac.
How to Start and Stop an application on Startup in Mac
Whenever we start our computer there starts some bunch of applications that sometime slows the startup and sometime we need some application to start automatically, instead of manually starting them whenever the computer starts such as Chat services. So today I will tell you How to start and stop applications on startup in Mac OS X
How to Increase Dropbox upload speed
Dropbox as a cloud storage service is very popular and almost everyone uses it, I use dropbox with few people as a collaborator and after finishing my work I try to upload the files, but it takes forever to upload, literally it takes hours for a few low res images which at most are of
How to download Subtitles from YouTube Videos
Watching YouTube videos in foreign language is pretty common nowadays and is fairly possible because YouTube provides the option of Captions or commonly known as Subtitles. they make it easy to understand the content of the video even if we don’t know the language they are talking in, but what will happen when you download the YouTube video?
Simply Pure – WordPress Theme
Simply Pure WordPress theme is the one I’m releasing today, well many days went into making it, So it will be a good WordPress theme (I was lazy most of the days so it took forever to complete it :P), the theme is made with Yahoo’s Pure CSS framework instead of Bootstrap which was used in the BlueStrap WordPress Theme.
How to edit Hosts file on Windows, Mac and Linux
Today we are going to edit hosts file on our Operating System (Windows, Mac and Linux). In each and every Operating system a host file exists, which is used for mapping an IP address to a Hostname, which is somewhat similar to a DNS server, so I like to call my Hosts file a local DNS server, because it overrides the DNS servers and points to the IP address we provided for the hostname.
LastPass – Free Password Manager
Today, I will be sharing with you all LastPass the free password manager, which will help us manage our passwords for different websites. Because nowadays we visit and register on various websites on a daily basis and we cannot remember all the passwords we use for different websites, so we just re-use the one which we always use, which I like to call the “Default” Password.