Hi , As soon i came from college today i saw the homepage was blank i first thought it was some normal error or Cache Problem.when i loggged in the Admin Dashboard i saw the statistics that their were 0 posts and Pages :( i first got panicked then i remembered about the Database. today Best 2 Know got saved only because of One and only one Plugin thanks to lester chan’s Plugin : WP-DBManager
I been using this plugin seen a long while when i learnt about WordPress Optimization. The Plugin Help me lot in Optimization but more then that it helped me in this devastating time , the time i lost hope. the Plugin had just Backed Up my Database Today at 8 March 2011 . it was great good luck of mine that before hacker deleted the Posts and Pages my Database was Backed Up and after seeing the latest version of the DB in my backup directory i just restored the DB and it helped alot to recover the site. So recommend each and every one to use this WP-DBManager Plugin and Help lester chan developing more good plugins like this.
Outstanding job once again! Thumbs up;)